Having started with six children (February 2012) and God’s faithful provision, we are now able to serve impoverished children by providing meals, school supplies, personal hygiene instruction and supplies, discipleship/mentorship, life skills development, educational scholarship, book reading program, medical and dental aid assistance when needed and academic tutorial assistance to more than 60+ children at this writing. In addition to sharing the love of Jesus Christ through mentorship and care, these children are taught God's Word through Bible lessons, prayer, songs of praise, art & skit and even games. We are convinced that at this formative time of their childhood years, the hope in Christ Jesus is their best tool for success in life!
Using help and gifts from God’s people, someday these children not only would be inspired in their academic pursuit, but most importantly be able to read God’s Word and they would find peace, joy and comfort in their hope and future in Christ Jesus. Our prayer is to see their outlook change from despair to hope.
Using help and gifts from God’s people, someday these children not only would be inspired in their academic pursuit, but most importantly be able to read God’s Word and they would find peace, joy and comfort in their hope and future in Christ Jesus. Our prayer is to see their outlook change from despair to hope.
Praise, Prayer and Worship!
"Then he taught me, and he said to me, “Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live." - Proverbs 4:4
He is worthy to be praised!"Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever." ~ Psalm 111:2-3
"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." ~ Philippians 4:9 <3 |
Feeding Program
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep…” - John 21: 17
Educational Scholarship
Christmas Blessing Celebration!
Academic Tutorial
Vacation Bible School
Home Visits! Getting To Know The Neighbors...
R.O.C.K. Discipleship Program & Community Outreach
Training Kids to care for the Elderly
R.O.C.K (Redeemed Orphans & Chosen Keepers) Leadership Training & Mentorship Program
ROCK Youth leading small group of younger students. Training teenagers how to be young mentors to little children.
Youth Group and Fellowship!
Home Bible Studies
As children share with their parents the good time they are having learning more about God and His Love on them, these parents welcome and request a weekly Bible Study. Praise the Lord!
Parents' Fellowship & Mothers' Ministry
Bringing Christ into the center of Parents' Christmas Fellowship and Parents' Day Celebration (Mother's Day)
Teaching Personal Hygiene
Providing personal hygiene supplies and training children proper hygiene and grooming
Art Fun!
Providing art supplies, musical instruments,and session for drama skits for children to explore and enjoy art!